Monday, October 8, 2012

A Balancing Act

As I sit here, on my bed with my lap top, hitting the bottle after a long day at work (don't worry friends...its just a giant bottle of Perrier Sparkling water, pink grapefruit flavor), I find myself feeling off. I guess it's not necessarily off...just not on, if that makes sense. I'm staring at my little corner in a loom, the little light on, my music is playing, the bench is waiting for me, but all I want to do is sit here and try to catch my breath. I'm sure you know the feeling...the I'm drained, exhausted, brain dead, staring at the wall, 'just wanna lie around and watch 2 hours of reality tv (aka The Voice)' feeling. 

The problem tonight, though? It's only Monday...

At the end of August I made a promise to myself. I had a plan. I mapped out my creative goals and felt a new found burst of creativity. I told myself over and over again that the only person who can make something happen is me. I had been having a creative drought and I NEEDED to make something happen. My architect husband, who had to listen to me night after night made me watch a very inspiring TED talk. Although I don't quite remember what new technology the speaker was talking about, and until I googled it tonight, I coudn't tell you what she does for a living or her name, I did take one thing she said to heart. The speaker was having a hard time with something (or to put it plainly...she was in a funk) when she received an email from a friend, who has since passed away, who told her something that has stuck with her forever. He said:

“There is only enough time to iron your cape, and back to the skies for you.”

I came back to this quote tonight...while staring at the scarf, that for some reason, just won't weave itself. I've had extra stress at my day job and then come home to my 'second job' where I push myself as hard as I can to make just one more thing (or two more things, or three more things) to add to my is no wonder I'm in a daze. 

I'm still learning the art of balancing everything in my life. I'm still learning that I need to take a little break and recharge. I am NOT the Energizer Bunny. I rode this creative wave as long as I could. I think it is time to take a night or two to 'iron my cape' and then back to the loom for me.

Thanks for listening as I have a 'Carrie Bradshaw' moment...


  1. Oh Savannah, I can totally relate. I've been trying to work on projects and start a blog all so I can still be me and not get completely swept up in being a mom. I need to be creative and feel like I'm working towards something, but I am so dang tired after a full day with two kids. I don't know how people do it.

  2. You are certainly not alone. Everyone experiences this, I think. Especially creative people with such active minds! I have been chatting for years with my mentor about work-life balance... I'm not sure it's possible. I strive for work-life integration instead. You have to get to a place where you don't feel guilty giving one more attention than the other. Not that I'm at that place yet. But something to strive for. :)
