Yep, its been a while since I've posted but I promise I have some really good excuses...kind of...
Do you ever have those days or weeks (or maybe months) that are just off? I'm talking about those little chunks of time that just wear you out...its the little interval of time that, when its finally over, you realize just how stressful and exhausting it had been. Yep...that was our summer. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but one minute we were at a picnic at Erik's friend's house on July 4th and the next minute it was August 31st and we were finally heading on a much needed vacation from reality, from stress, from everything!
So where did our July and August go??
To make a long story short, my lovely hubby came down with a case of Shingles. It started as just a really bad, intense headache that lasted for a week...and then after more signs started to appear (like small bumps on his forehead and around his eye), it was finally diagnosed as shingles. The poor guy was out of work for over a week after he was finally diagnosed and he was exhausted and in pain for while when he went back. Its so hard to see someone you love in so much pain and not be able to do a thing.
Erik finally started to feel better but for some reason my immune system decided we weren't ready to enjoy the summer yet...I ended up with a bad cold (and due to the sick day I used and our lack of cable- this cold led to my new obsession with Downton Abbey...thank you Hulu!). One last little snag...As soon as I was feeling better, Erik had a bit of a shingles relapse. Luckily, he was feeling almost 100% by the time we left for Maui.
Needless to say...we were ready for a break from everything. We needed to relax, take a breath, enjoy some sun, enjoy each other's company, and just turn off everything. We were fortunate to be able to get away...and finally (!!!) things are getting back to normal. We are healthy, happy, and less stressed...and for a couple days, a little tan- which is a little rare in our neck of the woods...
I definitely did NOT intend to make this a whiny story about how rough our summer was up to the day we landed in Hawaii...I just feel that I owe an explanation for my silence...Here I am, trying to build my little shop, tell my story, share my craft, and create this Sunshine Shop world, chat with my friends and family and fans on my Facebook Fan Page...
and then...*crickets chirping*
I apologize my friends. I'm still here. Savannah's Sunshine Shop is still up and running and will have a new look (and new website!!) soon. So please hang in there with me...and STAY TUNED!